Thursday, February 7, 2013

Back to blogging, expecting No. 2

Being pregnant with Baby No. 2, I had thought that chronicling my experience would come easily. And then the toll of keeping up with Baby No. 1 ("M") and growing another little being made sleep my main priority.
Ahh, if only my teenage self had appreciated the copious amounts of sleep she received! {She didn't—I know she whined about 5 a.m. swim practices more than was necessary.}
I am now pushing 38 weeks and waiting impatiently for Baby No. 2, hereafter named Baby Tank, to make his exit. Let's face facts—I'm excited to meet my little man but I am desperate to have him out of my body!!
In the two months since my pitiful last post, I've:
  • gained more weight
  • finally figured out our cat box situation
  • nearly shot my dog
  • survived a 25 pound toddler bouncing on me and insisting on being picked up
  • used Pinterest to great success with my toddler
  • miraculously managed to not kill my husband
That last point deserves clarification—I don't really want to kill him. I think. A monstrous hormone I'll call She-Devil-tropin is responsible for ridiculous rage and completely unjustified anger at the father of my children. Another good reason to have Baby Tank evicted, so my husband doesn't consider divorce on anger management failure grounds. (The dog has also faced my wrath, but she was given reprieve by my very loving parents. My husband has no such luck.)
A similar hormone, that any pregnant woman is familiar with, is Foggy-Memory-terone. If you're blonde like me, people blame your hair color but I know the truth. Standing in front of my locker at work and spinning the lock dial for two minutes, trying to remember the exact order of my combination, is not blonde. That's pregnant!

Meanwhile, there's a growing and developing little toddler who can say her brother's name but still doesn't really get what we mean when we tell her she's going to have a little brother. She'll figure it out soon enough. In the meantime, I've started building the toddler resource/activity drawers, thanks to great suggestions from the mom at Growing A Jeweled Rose.
M and I have made our first "smoosh bag", or sensory bag, we've bathtub painted with shaving cream, and we've made Valentine cards. It's been a blast, as long as I can get up from the floor and get M into the tub for cleanup without leaving a messy trail.
If you're interested, you can follow me on Pinterest by searching @tafradonberger .
Adieu for today!
(Too) Warm weather where we live made for a great play time at the park yesterday!

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