Friday, May 16, 2014

Thank Goodness for Garanimals

Thank goodness for Garanimals, because I suck at laundry.

Sorry, low photo quality—iPhone photo!
I might've forgotten to check for stains before bulk shoving kids clothing into the washer. In fact, I might've forgotten that every single load of laundry I've every done.
Body fluids, food, Kleenex, you name it, I've washed and dried it then discovered I'd created yet another item of clothing that I refuse to let my kid wear in public. That's my own little quirk, but still... I could conceivably save us some money if I'd just pay a little more attention.
This particular shirt was the victim of chocolate milk, and the little doll wearing the shirt was victim of her little brother's attempt to take the milk from her. She pulled back, and all of a sudden, she was milky from head to toe and really distraught about it.
Another iPhone photo, but it was the closest thing I had!
This kid was seriously upset (she had chocolate milk eyelashes, I guess I can't blame her!) and I did my best to console through copious laughter and wiping up milk. That little shirt made its way into her laundry basket and was promptly forgotten about. I know I'm not the only momma out there guilty of forgetting to stain soak, right?
That little shirt has officially made the "play-in-the-mud-at-home-only" list, but the silver lining for me is that her daddy tends to not care what she wears while wearing playing, so he has plenty of options to choose for playwear!
Thank God for Garanimals!

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