Monday, June 4, 2012

30 day photo challenge

I subscribe to a ridiculous amount of things, which makes my e-mail a disaster, but all of my favorite things come from my photography interests. Click It Up A Notch is doing a 30 Day Challenge that I've decided to take on.
The real challenge here, for me, is that because M is only 10 months old, there are things she doesn't specifically do. Thus, some things will be adjusted (crawling, not walking, for example) and I'm going to have to get creative, which is great.
Day 1: You and your child
 Yes, I employed the bathroom mirror for this shot because I cannot for the life of me find my tripod. I have a horrid feeling it's in our stuffed-to-the-brim storage closet and I'm afraid of opening that door. The bathroom thing is also appropriate because I often sit M in the sink just to occupy her while I'm trying to get ready to go out the door. She grabs toothbrushes and I'm able to get makeup on, because I rarely go out in public without at least foundation, eye liner and mascara on.
Since M has been very insistent on being held lately (she's teething and is recovering from hand, foot and mouth disease, or for her, Nasty Rashes Everywhere But The Bottom virus) so the sink is my compromise. Lucky for me I've been pulling the hair back and up because I get so hot now, so trying to curl or straighten the hair is now a non-issue.
I realize I've skipped my "wife/wives" study a few days and it's on my planner for tomorrow... In the mean time, I'd like to share a few more photos of my beautiful girl.
But why am I fenced in?!

Is it edible?
Listening to: Life, Love & Other Mysteries, Point of Grace

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