Sunday, April 15, 2012

What, no church?!

Does going to church on Sunday make you a Christian?
Of course not! Accepting Jesus as your Savior makes you a Christian. But I know there's sometimes a little cultural misunderstanding, or deliberate twisting, when it comes to this topic.
I don't go to church on Sunday morning. I would love to join my husband and daughter at our church to worship with our family of friends. But I don't go because I work part time, and that (for now) means sacrificing my time at church on Sunday mornings because I'm low on the totem pole and can't dictate my schedule...yet.
For me, "church" has become made up of any time I get to spend significant time with other people who love the Lord. It can be coffee {or in my case, tea} with a friend; it's my MOPS group every other Wednesday; it's Thursday Bible studies when I can make it. This time with other believers is what strengthens and encourages me when I know I've been out of the loop too long.
Jesus told us, "For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:20. So it makes sense that gathering together, praying together, and believing together can be church! Thank God for that, or I'd be in some serious trouble.
Church is not a building, only for the use on Sunday mornings. It's the active body of Christ, coming together in His name to celebrate His glory!

Thank you, Jesus, for being bigger than concrete, carpet and chairs. Thank you for being bigger than those four walls that the world would like you to stay behind. I pray for anyone like me, that even though we can't make it on Sunday morning every week, that you continue to provide us with other "church" moments where we can be filled with your Spirit. I love you, Lord, and thank you for your son Jesus!

Who said humor can't be clean?

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