Monday, August 13, 2012

Wake up!

I left my baby locked in my car while she slept.
Okay, not really. But that's what my nightmare was last night and it scared me so badly, I remembered it. For some strange reason I had left her sleeping in the car while I went into a rec center (it looked like a combo of Castle Rock Rec and Westy Rec). It was apparently quite cold because I was wearing a heavy coat, and when I remembered that my child was in my car it seemed like I was running for miles and everyone or everything was in my way.
The police were at my car and oddly enough, a manager from the store I work at now, and as I was screaming "Where's my baby?" they were asking me why I'd left and putting me under arrest.
How'd you like to wake up to that?!
I spent an hour just laying in bed (after checking on her) waiting for M to wake up so I could hold her. That dream nightmare was so intense that I actually felt guilty, as though I had really left her locked in a car!
You'd think that any rational parent would never do such a thing, but I unfortunately recall a story from a year ago or so that a mother really did leave her child in the car, during the summer, and the kicker is she did it so she could go tan. Really?!
That somehow reassures me that I am a good parent, because I wouldn't ever leave M locked in a car by herself. I've been the mom who cranks the a/c, leans her seat back and takes a nap in the car with her baby, just so she could sleep a little longer. Leave the baby in it alone, especially with it off? Not on your life!
Hopefully I'm not the only mother who judges herself occasionally on the (bad) exploits of other mothers. I'm not... Right?

You know you're a parent when: Your alarm clock is a baby, not an alarm.

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