Friday, September 7, 2012

An open letter to pregnancy heartburn

Dear pregnancy-induced heartburn,
You've made your appearance much sooner than I expected. In fact, most definitely would find your arrival at around three months pregnant as far too soon in advance; could you have at least sent a notice? I needed time to clean the house, or in this case, stock my cabinet with antacids.
I thought I'd have more time to enjoy the spicy foods that I love at all other stages of life (mainly, the not-pregnant ones) because you didn't show up with Baby No. 1 until seven months. Might I remind you I'm only barely four months along?
And who do you think you are, to show up even if I eat small, frequent meals with plenty of water and snacking? Do you regularly defy medical wisdom or is this just a "pregnant girl" thing?
Since I'm resigned to your arrival and it seems you'll be sticking around, I guess the only thing I'd like to make clear is that you are not welcome to stay post Baby No. 2. No offense.
Without love,
I have these by my bed, in my purse, upstairs, downstairs, anywhere I go...

1 comment:

  1. I'm a firm believer that it defies all medical wisdom. I get heartburn drinking milk some days...drives me absolutely nuts. If my child isn't a hairy monkey beast I think I'm going to be sad. Lol
