Saturday, September 1, 2012

A compilation of parenting thoughts

Oh no it hasn't been two weeks since my last post?! Oh, but it has. Yikes, to think I had wanted to post every day. Just like I wanted to complete that 30 day photo challenge...

So here's a random compilation of the things that have occurred to me lately:
  • You're definitely parents when conversations (without the baby in the room) between your spouse and yourself include terms like "potty," "kisses," "kitty" and "shoesies" and are spoken in baby talk.
  • I'd really love it if someone three times my size could pick me up and pop every. single. bone. in my back.
  • Those commercials that show people supposedly talking to themselves then revealing a baby at the end are totally me at the grocery store with my baby. Goofy references and all.
  • No matter how many times I tell M that she can quit wearing diapers if she learns to go potty in the toilet, she still isn't quite ready to do it, and it's still cathartic for me to say it while she's screaming bloody murder and trying to fall off the changing pad.
  • My child is Ms. Independent, and sometimes, that makes me sad. Like when she leans away from me and laughs when I'm trying to kiss her goodbye. Or even worse, runs away.
  • Sometimes when I'd really like the pregnancy hormones to take over and turn me into a bawling mush of tears, just to cause a guilt trip, I'm reminded that I'm a fighter, not a cryer, and that lets me know I'm still me.
  • Having a house that looks like a toddler lives in it might cause me to develop a split personality. If I suddenly start cleaning your house, take away all sharp objects and just let me clean until the OCD personality calms down.
 Until next time, LOL {click the link!} and kiss your babies. <3

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