Sunday, July 1, 2012

Baby loves her Papa

The older M gets, the more independent she is. I guess I could've expected that, but what I wasn't prepared for was for her to be so eager to get away from me. Point in case: She was so eager to go to her Papa this morning that she strained away from me to him, grabbed his shirt and began to leverage herself up to him.
She wasn't interested in a kiss goodbye, didn't care that I was leaving, nothing. While it's quite normal for M to be okay with me leaving her, this was more a "I don't care where you go, just let me go!" moment and while it didn't make me cry (shocker, considering those Olympic "Thanks, Mom," commercials can make me tear up), it did leave me a little flabbergasted. I climbed into my car and immediately texted my husband: "M didn't care that I was leaving her this morning."
His simple reply was "She loves you. Don't worry about it." Sure, don't worry. Don't worry that my 11 month old didn't even want a good bye kiss!!
Boo hoo hoo!
Yes, I'm certain that independence is healthy, I just wasn't ready for it to come at 11 months old! Maybe by preschool, or probably kindergarten, maybe even junior year of high school—but 11 months old?
Is she bored with me? Is she tired of me? Is she mad at me? She has definitely had "mad at momma" moments, especially when the cabinets finally got baby locks and I wouldn't let her play in my office trash can. This was unprecedented, and entirely unexpected!
To make it worse, she still wasn't interested in me when her Papa and Grandma dropped her off this afternoon! I gave her a hug, set her down to play in the grass, and the first thing she did? Crawled to Grandma to get picked up. Yup, seven hours away from her mom and I'm pretty sure if I stayed gone the whole day she wouldn't notice.
Strange, the things that I never would've thought could bother me before I became a mother. Pre-baby Tafra would probably scoff at the mother who worried that her child didn't care about her, and I'd likely have said "She's just independent!" Post-baby Tafra has wondered all day if her baby is Miss Independent or Miss I-Don't-Care-About-Mommy. And if it's the latter, I probably could cry!
Luckily, Papa and Grandma left and M played with me as usual. She's such a strong, personable baby, I know I'm blessed. But I might hold on to her a little longer every time she waves her arms at me to be lifted up—she probably won't let me do that very much longer.
Yes, I'm going to cherish these moments. I haven't had enough!

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