Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy belated Mother's Day

Happy belated Mother's Day, fellow moms. You're all wonderful, and doing a great job!!
I wish I could write that I experienced the most perfect Mother's Day ever. In fact, my Zephyr cat woke me up frequently during the night doing his tomcat meow, inciting murderous, cat-hating thoughts in my already muddled brain. Then, M woke up before 6 a.m., and as I went downstairs to make a bottle, there were tears in my eyes and a not-so-nice kick in the side for any cat that dared to get near my feet.
M went back to sleep but I couldn't. I had the Zora cat "loving" on me, purring and trying to cuddle, so I spent that time keeping her off the baby and knowing the only reason she was being attentive is that she wanted more food. But since M was sleeping next to me, I couldn't really fling her off the bed like I wanted. Again, more cat-hating thoughts.
When M woke up again for the day, I was already mentally exhausted and wishing I could go back to sleep. The hubby brightened my day with breakfast, however, and we all enjoyed bacon, biscuits, eggs, strawberries and watermelon. He also let me open my second present, which was three Elmer and Ellie figurines (my first present I got to open Friday night, a really cool horse statue). He and M had decorated the tissue wrapping paper with scribbles and "I love you." It was adorable!
Fast forward to church, where I sat downstairs in the nursery because I was pretty sure M was on the verge of a tantrum because she hadn't napped all morning. By the time I got upstairs to the sanctuary, I missed the Mother's Day flowers and I had to sit second row from the front. I know—it's not that I mind being up front, I'd just rather be up front with Matt and he's running sound for our church's band, so yesterday I was by myself.
Hold the cheese, I'm not done with my whine...
We had a nice lunch with the in-laws, and I made the "Monster Cookie Dough Dip" that I had found here via Pinterest which, amazingly enough, my sweet tooth didn't find appealing. I think it has to do with the amount of cream cheese, so if you like the idea, try adding a bit more peanut butter and probably more oats to take out the sharp taste of cream cheese. I also used half white chocolate chips and the spring M&M's—gotta use what you have! :)

Then, I got to dishes! Yep, I did the dishes on Mother's Day. You know what? Hubster might've done them if I was patient enough to wait for him, but I'm not. So that is entirely my own OCD fault.
I did get to buy flowers to plant, along with jalapeno and bell pepper and tomatoes, so I got to play in the dirt a little before we went to dinner with the in-laws. When we got home, we were stuffed, the baby was a happy little mess and we both wanted to go to sleep (by 6:45 p.m.).
I whined a bit in this post, I won't deny it. But looking at my first Mother's Day in retrospect, it was still a great day. I get to hold the most adorable little girl every morning, even if the morning starts too soon. I still might kill the cat, but I think I did sleep a little better last night for lack of sleep the night before. So it's all about a little perspective!

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