Monday, May 28, 2012

One thing I will never do again

Earlier, I posted a recipe for "Tropical Avocado Salsa" and it was a huge hit with my family, so I made it for today's barbeque and I learned a very, very important lesson:
Don't cut an onion and jalapeno and then rub your eyes!!!
I don't honestly know what I was thinking. Today was the first time in my memory that I've had an onion make me cry during the dicing of it, and that was before the eye-rubbing. It actually made me wonder—is a red onion "hotter" or spicier or something more than your normal yellow onion? (If you know, please tell me in the comments!)
After I was finished dicing the jalapeno, I believe I rinsed my hands off and succumbed to the itch in my eyes. Hello, blonde. My hubby laughed at me while I paced the kitchen, tears streaming from between my squished eyes, because if I opened them at all it burned worse.
I'm getting teary just writing about the situation.
Matt then suggested I rinse them with water and I don't know if it helped or made it worse but I did it. It was a good five minutes before my eyes could tolerate staying open longer than a second.
Luckily, the salsa was a hit with my extended family (all the in-laws) so of course, it was worth it. Blink-blink-blink. Yep, worth it.

Little booger is teething, as you might guess from the drool on her chin in this photo. What a tough time for her!

Happy Memorial Day, all, and thank you to all past, present and future veterans. America would not be the same without our vets.

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