Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The impatient wife

Lately, I pity my husband. The poor guy knew I was crazy (I think) when he married me, but I don't know if he realized that I could be so crazy impatient.
It seems I spend all of my patience on M, and it goes more quickly now that she is 10 months old and really, ahem, expressing herself. Especially while teething.
I either had more patience (unlikely) or M was less trying a few months ago (likely). The point is, my husband is bearing the brunt of a day where M has used up every. last. drop. of patience I have and gets snapped at for any little thing. I guess what I'm saying is that I am far from the "wife of noble character" that God calls me to be.
On one hand, at least I can admit it right? On the other, I've had this little problem identified for a while now and haven't found a way to overcome it. I'm betting my hubster likes days such as today, where the moment he gets home I'm off to work, and when I get home he's off to bed, because he avoids any monsterous wife behavior.
This cathartic post is hopefully not going to serve only to express my desire to be a better, calmer wife, but hopefully a way to 1. Hold myself accountable for better behavior and 2. Develop ideas and/or take suggestions to extending the benefit of a slow fuse to not only my daughter but to the hubby.
I know that the steps in becoming a better wife involve first becoming a better lover of Christ, because a lack of the fruits of the Spirit in me is clearly a lack of Jesus in my life.
See how all this clarity happens when I write?
My challenge to myself, and to my fellow moms/wives who may or may not experience this same problem, is to stop letting "me" rule behavior and let God take over. I'd love to say I could commit to reading so much of the Bible every day, but I already know I'll fail at that, so instead of just flipping it open to read, I'm going to use my handy-dandy glossary and read all the verses that contain the word "wife", at least one a day until I run out. I'm going to write down my thoughts about the verse, the context, and how/if it could apply to me and Matt, as well as any other extraneous thoughts. I know there are examples of bad wives in the Bible, so this hopefully will be a way to not be one of them.
By the way, if you choose to try this with me, I read the NIV version, so it might differ in other versions.
Pray for me, friends, because this change in me can only come from Him. :)

Now, speaking of difficult days... Today was definitely one of them.  M woke up at 5:30 a.m., napped from 8 to 9 a.m., a 1/2 hour nap at 11:30, and was grumpy the whole time. Little booger is teething, so I understand. But I don't know what to do for her when nothing makes her happy.
I couldn't hold her. I couldn't set her down. I could hardly change her diaper without something upsetting her. These days tend to lead to Mommy and Little M sitting on the couch crying together...
This is the face I got most the day: (And just fyi, I played a lot with this photo in Lightroom )

 That was even after we dashed to True Value to buy her a wader pool. Which she could hardly wait to get into, despite the chilly water. I had a brief reprieve (and can you believe the red in her hair?!):
 And, five minutes later, it was back to crankiness. Same photo as the first, just in black and white:
Now, vote—which do you like better, cranky face in color or black and white? :)
She went back down for another nap at 2:30ish, and Daddy got to have a mostly happy little bear for the evening, so that's a blessing.

Listening to: You Decide, Fireflight


  1. My niece was a grumpy gus while teething and it tried my sister in laws patience beyond belief. And then she discovered frozen waffles. My niece could gnaw on one for hours and it soothed and there wasn't any choking. Simple and crazy, but true.

    Good luck!!!

  2. Yea, I've heard of using waffles but M doesn't like frozen stuff, I guess it's too cold. However, we discovered big slices of watermelon, which are a double benefit for teething and for eating! Yay!
